
Helping You Create The  

Leadership Skills Your Business Deserves

You are an incredible sales person, you have what it takes to walk into any situation and exude confidence, You have the ability to lead and inspire your team to success.

The primary objectives of this course are to introduce you to a wide variety of leadership coaching outcomes, strategies, techniques, tools, scripts and formats that will empower you as a “Change Agent” for anyone that gives you permission to be their coach/leader!

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In very broad brush strokes, upon completion of this coaches training, learners will be able to:

  • Deliver “breakthrough” perspectives and unquestionable “value” for anyone in a single coaching session
  • Give immediate and viable strategic problemsolving solutions to any client for any key life or business result area
  • Diagnose needs, replace limiting with empowering beliefs, and create lasting transformation for any client
  • Simultaneously hold someone powerfully AND gracefully (keeping rapport) accountable to his or her commitments
  • Condition and strengthen a client’s level of integrity (command of purpose, self, word, calendar, and productivity)
  • Offer and conduct experiential complimentary coaching sessions that lead to enrollment conversations

And much, much more!!!